POSTED ON 12 March, 2020
This section shows a detailed status of the GSLB Services, Client requests, and Backend stats.
The Services table shows the following information:
- Service. Descriptive name of the farm service.
- Backend ID. Index of the service backend.
- IP. The IP address of the backend.
- Port. TCP port of the backend being checked.
- Status. Current status of the backend.
- Green = Means Backend is running normally.
- Red = Means the farm is up but the backend is not reachable.
- Gray = When the farm is stopped and the backend is not on maintenance mode, the real backend status remains unknown until the farm is started and the check is done.
The Clients table shows information about DNS queries requested to the GSLB farm and their responses, it includes the following information:
- Requests. Total clients requests.
- Failed Reqs. Failed requests from clients.
- Failed Resps. Failed responses to clients.
- Tuncated Resp TC. Responses truncated due to being too long. TC bit is activated to indicate it to the client.
- Extended DNS Big. Number of too large EDNS UDP responses.
- Extended DNS TC. Number of truncated EDNS responses due to being too long.
The Servers section shows the DNS queries and responses to and from the backends that include the following information:
- Requests. Number of requests forwarded to the backends.
- Failed Requests. Number of failed clients’ requests.
- Failed Responses. Number of failed backends’ responses.
The Extended section shows additional GSLB farm related information.
- No Error. DNS transactions successfully done.
- Refused. DNS refused requests.
- Non-Existent Domain. DNS queries asking for a domain which can’t be resolved.
- NotImp. DNS requests answered with a NotImp error. This error means that the DNS server does not implement DNS update requests.
- Bad Version. DNS requests with wrong DNS version number.
- Format Error. DNS queries with wrong format.
- Dropped. DNS queries dropped by DNS servers.
- V6. DNS queries requesting for an IPv6 address.
- Extended DNSDNS queries using EDNS.
- Extended DNS-ClientsubDNS queries using EDNS with client subnet extension.
By default, the statistics in this section will show a single sample of the information shown for the current farm, but it is also possible to configure 10, 30, 60 and 120 seconds.
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