POSTED ON 15 May, 2019
This section shows two tables, a table with established and pending connections per backend (Backends table), and another table with the established sessions (Sessions table).
Backends table
The different fields of the backend connections stats are:
- Service. Farm service name where the backend is configured in. This column only appears in HTTP(s) farms.
- ID. Index of the service backend.
- Alias. Alias of the backend in the case it has one configured.
- IP. IP address of the backend.
- Port. Port of the backend.
- Status. Current status of the backend. The color code of the backend status is as follows:
- Green bullet = Means Backend is running normally.
- Orange bullet = Means the Backend is on maintenance mode.
- Red bullet = Means the farm is up but the backend is not reachable.
- Established Conns. Number of current established connections to the given backend.
- Pending Conns. Number of current pending connections to the given backend.
Sessions table
The different fields of the backend sessions table are:
- Client. Client table sessions index identifies a client.
- Backend ID. Farm backend index associated with the client.
- Service. Farm service name associated with the client session.
- Session ID. Client IP address associated with the backend.
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