System | Remote Services

POSTED ON 10 February, 2017

The Remote Services section manages some external services that requires the load balancer system like DNS to in order to be able to resolve network names and NTP to have the system clock synchronized.

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DNS service

This service is used to resolve the network name for local or global domains. The contents of the configured name servers will be stored in the system file /etc/resolv.conf.

zevenet system remote services dns

Primary Server. The IP address of the primary name server. Default value will be .
Secondary Server. The IP address of the secondary name server. This value is optional.

NTP service

This service is used to synchronize the load balancer system date-time clock.

zevenet system remote services ntp

NTP Server. The server IP address or name where to connect to get the system date and time. Default value will be .

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