LSLB | SSL Certificates | Generate CSR

POSTED ON 15 January, 2019

In the section SSL Certificates included in LSLB farms, the action Generate CSR leads to a form with the details required to make a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) file.

The details required are:

Certificate Name: Give your certificate a name to identify it in the future. This will be the CSR file name without the extension.
Locality: City where your organization is located.
Country: Country (ISO alpha-2, two characters code, example: US) where your organization is located.
State/Province: State or province where your organization is located.
Common Name: FQDN of the server, hostname or wildcard name to be certified. Example:,, or *
Organization: The full legal name of your organization/company. Example: Google Inc.
Division: Your department; such as ‘IT Department’, ’Web’, ‘Office’, etc.
E-mail Address: Your contact email address.

Once the CSR file is generated, you can issue a trusted certificate for this load balancer appliance or instance.

Check out the SSL PEM certificate generation video!

Next step, upload SSL Certificates.

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