LSLB | SSL Certificates | Generate CSR

POSTED ON 2 January, 2018

In the section SSL Certificates included in LSLB farms, the action Generate CSR leads to a form with the details required to make a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) file.

The details required are:

  • Certificate Name: Give your certificate a name to identify it in the future. This will be the CSR file name without the extension.
  • Locality: City where your organization is located.
  • Country: Country (ISO alpha-2, two characters code, example: US) where your organization is located.
  • State/Province: State or province where your organization is located.
  • Common Name: FQDN of the server, hostname or wildcard name to be certified. Example:,, or *
  • Organization: The full legal name of your organization/company. Example: Google Inc.
  • Division: Your department; such as ‘IT Department’, ’Web’, ‘Office’, etc.
  • E-mail Address: Your contact email address.

Once the CSR file is generated, you can issue an trusted certificate for this load balancer appliance or instance.

Check out the SSL PEM certificate generation video!

Next step, upload SSL Certificates.

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